

Cupressus sempervirens  |  15mL

Cypress oil is extracted from the leafy branches of the Cupressus sempervirens–a species native to the eastern Mediterranean. In ancient times, the Cypress was often a symbol of mourning and often associated with death. In spite of its dispirited symbolisms of the past, it has many medicinal uses and offers a woodsy, clean and stimulating aroma that is similar to pine.

  • Can reduce discomfort from restless leg syndrome, muscle spasms, cramps and strains
  • Calms respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and asthma 
  • Contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties
  • A natural diuretic–may increase urination and help the body to flush out internal toxins
  • May reduce appearance varicose veins and cellulite
  • Relieves feelings of anxiety, nervous tension and stress-related conditions
  • Can aid in reducing hemorrhoids
  • Good for treating oily and over-hydrated skin
  • Diffuse, or rub a few drops onto chest to relieve respiratory conditions such as asthma or bronchitis
  • Add several drops to a warm bath to help alleviate muscle spasms, cramps and strains, or apply topically to areas of concern
  • Apply topically to legs to reduce discomfort associated with Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Reduce appearance of varicose veins and cellulite by applying to areas of concern
  • Diffuse to relieve feelings of anxiety, nervous tension and stress-related conditions
  • Apply oil to bottoms of feet, wrists and back of neck to encourage the body to flush out toxins

AROMATIC:  Diffuse 1 to 2 hours up to 3 times daily (3 to 5 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of water).

TOPICAL:  Dilute with carrier oil to avoid skin sensitivity. (3 to 6 drops of essential oil to 1 teaspoon carrier oil recommended for adults).


Cupressus sempervirens (cypress) premium essential oil

KEY THERAPEUTIC CONSTITUENTS:  Carene, Limonene, Alpha-Pinene

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:  Southern Europe 

PLANT PART:  Leaf, stem 

EXTRACTION METHOD:  Steam distillation

Keep out of reach of children (if ingested, seek urgent medical attention). Keep away from eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician prior to use.

Avoid using during pregnancy

Not safe for internal use

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.