Cinnamon Bark


Cinnamomum verum  |  5mL

Cinnamon bark has been used for thousands of years and was widely traded and used as a domestic spice. It is mentioned in the Old Testament as an ingredient in the holy anointing oil. In the east, cinnamon bark was used medically to treat colds, flu, digestive, kidney  and menstrual problems, rheumatism, and as a general stimulant. Cinnamon bark oil has a warm, spicy, sweet, tenacious odor.

  • Helps decrease inflammation
  • Increases circulation, supports heart health and can lower cholesterol 
  • Fights free radicals
  • May help relieve depression
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Boosts libido
  • Supports healthy blood sugar and insulin release and promotes weight loss
  • Contains anti-viral properties and can fight infections and parasites
  • To encourage cleansing of arteries and increase blood flow, dilute and apply to chest and wrists
  • Diffuse, or inhale aroma to help prevent chronic fatigue, moodiness and sugar cravings
  • To support healthy blood sugar levels and help lower cholesterol, add 1-2 drops of oil to water, tea or a warm dish such as oatmeal
  • Diffuse regularly to protect against infection and respiratory tract pathogens
  • To help soothe a sore throat, add 1-2 drops of oil to hot water or tea with lemon and honey

AROMATIC:  Diffuse 1 to 2 hours up to 3 times daily (3 to 5 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of water).

TOPICAL:  Dilute with carrier oil to avoid skin sensitivity. (3 to 6 drops of essential oil to 1 teaspoon carrier oil recommended for adults).


Cinnamomum verum (cinnamon bark) premium essential oil

KEY THERAPEUTIC CONSTITUENTS:  Cinnamaldehyde, Methyleugenol, Eugenol, Phellandrene



EXTRACTION METHOD:  Steam distillation

Keep out of reach of children (if ingested, seek urgent medical attention). Keep away from eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician prior to use.

Strong skin irritant, dilution recommended for topical use

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.