Juniper Berry


Juniperus communis  |  5mL

The needles and berries of Juniper were historically used medicinally to treat urinary infections, respiratory problems and gastro-intestinal infections. Juniper Berry oil is a powerful detoxifier and also helps boost the immune system. Additionally, its ability to expel uric acid build-up in the joints makes it useful for treating gout, rheumatism and arthritis. It has many uses for skin conditions as well, and can also help ease tension, anxiety, and can aid in sleep.

  • Contains antibacterial and antifungal properties
  • Assists in cleansing the liver
  • Supports healthy circulation
  • Works as diuretic–boosts kidney and urinary health
  • Aids digestion and reduces bloating and gas
  • Boosts the immune system
  • May help reduce appearance of stretch marks and treat skin conditions caused by hormone imbalances
  • Acts as a sleep aid
  • Add 1-2 drops to glass of water to aid in digestion and reduce bloating and gas
  • To reduce appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks, or treat skin conditions caused by hormone imbalances, add oil to face or body wash, or dilute with carrier oil and apply to areas of concern
  • For a sleep aid and to help prevent restlessness, diffuse, or apply to neck, chest and bottoms of feet before bed
  • To help draw out toxins, boost urinary and kidney health, and promote cleansing of liver, add 2-3 drops to glass of water, or dilute with carrier oil and apply to abdomen
  • To help alleviate pain and inflammation from injuries, or soothe muscle soreness, add several drops to a warm bath with Epsom salts, or dilute and apply topically to areas of concern

AROMATIC:  Diffuse 1 to 2 hours up to 3 times daily (3 to 5 drops of essential oil to 100 ml of water).

TOPICAL:  Dilute with carrier oil to avoid skin sensitivity. (3 to 6 drops of essential oil to 1 teaspoon carrier oil recommended for adults).


Juniperus communis (juniper berry) premium essential oil




EXTRACTION METHOD:  Steam distillation

Keep out of reach of children (if ingested, seek urgent medical attention). Keep away from eyes, inner ears, and other sensitive areas. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician prior to use.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.